"The light from the sun is our beacon of hope and source of our lives"
Hihi, its been a long time since I last posted but I feel I should. These past few weeks have been interesting to say the least. Many people are stressed over prelims these few days. I am no exception. However, I feel more disturbed in other parts of my life and it is kind of worries me.
Many people say I am weird and few know what is actually going through my mind, but hey that's teenage life for you. However, I do feel better than in a long while. I realise that I can do things and see things in a way I have not done before. maybe it is all part of my epic journey.
Talking about it, I realised how important it is to see things from the different lights. I revisited a side of me I have shunned for years, only to realise that some parts of it were good to my life. Like the fire and the rain, opposites that work together bring about wonders that never cease to capture our imagination. The very miracle of life itself is a living example.
I always believed in the eye of the falcon, to see things far beyond others. To anticipate and have the vision that spans beyond the horizons. They say that if you look far enough into space, you will see the edge of time itself. However, I realise now that the eye of the dragon also hold some insight. The way of the dragon connects people. It is the ability to see the path and not the destination. To be able to analyse and appreciate the things that are right in front of you. Many people has this and to me the best person who demonstrates this is Firehero, with the eye of the dragon, he sees the true light of many situations. They say that the eye of the dragon is a key to the windows of possibilities.
I know how that I must possess both to realise my full potential. If I have told anyone that I have found all my emotions, I regretably realise that I have not. Although they appear once in a while, I still feel I have not felt those feelings in all their purity. Maybe it is just me hiding myself from what some part of me feels, fearing that I would make the same mistakes, trying to keep myself away from harm.
But if its with any consolation, I know I have felt the bond, the link that binds us all together. The will and force to be more than what we are. Although it only comes occasionally, I am glad to be able to experience it. Maybe someday I would find a way to understand its true nature and be able to break myself from these mental chains. Right now, I appreciate all that I have, even though many times I feel that I have not lived up to deserve them and sometimes fearing that I would lose them.
I am still at a loss between the moon and the sun. The conflicts within me are more than enough to drive me over the edge. But I must hold on for the sake of all around me. I know the sun may no longer be within by grasp, but I am content that the rays with it shines
still touch my skin. The moon still remains elusive, changing my point of view at every moment, every instance. I wonder if it knows I look up to see if its light is shining in the sky every night, praying for everything to be all right.
As the winds of change howl and blow around us once more, our influence now becomes stronger. As a wise gypsy once said, "It is not over till you say it is" We decide who we want to be and through the many ripples that our actions create, I hope that we sahll see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I pray for those who feel defeated to find the strength to get back up, those who are at constant mercy of the fears that surround us, find the courage to stand on their ground, those who feel that all is lost, to find the hope to keeping going on.
They say that a door that closes can never open, I say that there is more than one entrance to the destiny which you seek.

"The light of the moon is the guide through the unknown and the hope in our hearts"
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