Saturday, November 29, 2008
Chapter 7
“What happened dear chap?” Frederick asked with worriedly.
The guards tried to maintain their posture. Given their injuries, they could barely stand. One of them, who had bloodshot eyes replied, “Two, no three people, about the age of 20, left the compounds sire. I think that they’re contestants. I recognize one of them, a tall big guy. He was in one of the first matches this morning.”
“They overpowered you?” asked Frederick again.
“No, we could hold them off. Only until… *cough*” the guard choked.
“Only until that blasted alchemist threw that vial containing the blood of trolls. Burned me it did.” The other guard interrupted.
Frederick stood up to examine the place. He saw some scratches on the walls and floors that were most probably made by a sword. He then examined the liquid that burned one of his guards. Indeed, it was blood that belonged to the trolls. The dark blue liquid which could heal the injuries of goblins, orcs and even dragons would burn everything else. He rose and saw Samuel walking briskly towards him.
“Oh, Frederick, I am so glad I found you. Have you seen Michael? I have not seen him anywhere.” Samuel asked with much anxiety.
“Well, I only saw that chap at the wards…” Something struck Frederick at that moment, “You don’t suppose… Samuel old friend, have you seen that alchemist, what was his name?”
“Thomas” Samuel answered.
“Yes, that. Have you by any chance seen him as well? Oh yes, and Triton too. Have you seen both of them?”
Samuel rubbed his head and thought hard. After a few moments, he replied, “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen that group at all after we left them at the ward.”
Frederick’s face suddenly turned pale. After glancing and the guards and Frederick’s pale impression, Samuel spoke, “What happened here? It looks as though someone had a fight here.”
“Someone broke out shortly before we came. Well I … I believe… How should I put this…?” Frederick hesitated for a while and said, “I believe that those three young chaps of yours are involved.”
“Are you sure you know where you’re going, we’ve been walking for hours!” complained Triton as his foot got stuck again in the swampy grounds of the wilderness. It is already dawn and yet, the swamps are still as dark as the night. The trees there were mostly dead. Those that are still living only live to watch worms eating into their barks. The only vegetation that managed to bear these harsh conditions was the blackbushes, which were not found anywhere else. The ground was hardly solid. Usually, it will squelch and purple bubbles would pop out of the ground. The stench there was putrid, but the trio had to persevere on these harsh conditions. They had already exhausted most of their supplies to the wild creatures which attacked them for food. For hours now, all of them have been walking but had not caught even a glimpse of their destination.
“Stop complaining, you big oaf. Just keep walking.” replied Michael whose only possession now was his sword.
“I bet I could find a way out of this dump better than that mad scientist.” commented Triton in a harsh voice.
“I’d like to see you try. I bet you will get yourself lost even if you had the map right in your face.” mocked Michael who gave Triton a cheeky grin.
“Hush it you guys, there are still many wild creatures around here. You don’t want to attract their attention do you?” interrupted Thomas.
Suddenly, a purple haired monkey shot out from the trees and snatched Thomas’s map. Thomas barely even caught sight of it and tumbled to the ground. Triton and Michael already gave chase but were blocked by a pack of lizardmen and several giant balisks who normally dominated this swamps. The purple monkey looked back and laughed at the trios’ effort, slapping his bottom at the same time.
The monkey gave a giggle at Triton, pulled a funny face and disappeared into the swamps. Triton tried to give chase but was knocked back by the scaly tail of a balisk. He rose, unsheathed his hammer and gave a loud battlecry before charging towards the creatures.
“Pretty primitive for a warrior of cybertron.” commented Thomas who had just imbued Michael’s sword with some sort of chemical.
Michael laughed briefly on Thomas’s comment and received back his sword. He then charged towards the lizardmen who already had bows drawn and aiming at the screaming Triton who was swinging his hammer around apparently with some skill. Michael caught the lizardmen by surprise and struck the first one down with ease. He swung his sword over to the second only to be knocked over by a charging balisk. Michael fell to the ground as fear took over him. His looked up to see the balisk’s dragon-like face and just as the balisk was going to dive his head into Michael’s flesh, a shockwave sent the scaly creature flying.
“That was for blocking my way.” shouted Triton who had already activated his cybertron seal. He continued to charge towards the lizardmen and threw his hammer which hit directly on a lizardman’s face. The poor creature screamed in pain as he collapsed to the ground.
“You alright?” Triton asked Michael who nodded in return, “Then pick up your sword and fight!”
Michael paused in astonishment of Triton’s fighting spirit before grabbed Triton’s hand and got up. Triton handed Michael his sword and continued his onslaught amongst the lizardmen. Michael followed closely behind Triton, and now he felt a new found strength within him.
The pair fought the lizardmen fiercely. But with the help of the balisk, their foes proved formidable. Thomas, behind a cluster of trees finally found enough courage to draw his wand and aid his friends.
But just as he was to cast a spell, triton shouted, “Leave this to us, go and find your map from that bloody monkey!”
Thomas nodded and started to cast a tracking spell on immediately to locate the purple monkey’s location. The seal in which he summoned morphed its pattern repeatedly until it came to a stop. He located the monkey and headed in its direction, leaving his friends to hold off the lizardmen.
Meanwhile, Triton had just smashed the skull of one lizardman with his giant hammer, sending the creature flying into the bushes. Michael, on the other hand had to parry off four attacks at a time. No longer able to call upon his seal’s power, Michael felt helpless. Now, it all depended on his own physical strength whether he will be able to get out of this ordeal alive. Michael had hardly battled any foe without his seal other than his trainers who held back during his training. This was his first time in a battle where he had to rely on himself and use all that he had learnt in normal combat training.
Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip onto his sword before decapitating one of the lizardman and thrusting his sword into another.
In the meantime, Thomas was busy chasing the purple monkey in the swamps. Once, he almost caught it, but fell into a pool of mud that was so deep he thought he was stuck. In frustration, he took out his wand to blast himself out and wanted to immobilize the purple monkey for good. But he hesitated and his conscience got the better of him. Before he knew it, he had lost the purple monkey. He sighed under his breath and casted another tracking spell.
At the same time, Triton had just silenced the balisk while Michael handled the remaining lizardmen. Victory was soon theirs but one of the lizardman took out a horn and blew into it, releasing a low and mellow sound.
“Stop him! He’s calling for help!” hollered Triton who threw his hammer at that particular lizardman in anticipation. The lizardman dodged the attack but he met with Michael’s blade which left the lizardman in pieces.
But it was too late. A high pitched screech was heard and almost immediately, a large green, scaly, flying lizard with eyes painted dark red burst through the bushes and seized Triton by his shoulders.
“A wyren!” exclaimed Michael who recovered from the force created by this mighty beast.
“You don’t think I know that? GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!” screamed Triton who was now thirty feet in the air.
Meanwhile, Thomas was still hunting the purple monkey. Thomas spotted the monkey eating berries from some purple bushes. It seemed to be their natural habitat as there were more purple monkeys there. This time, Thomas wasted no time and blasted an immobilization spell from his wand. As he drawed the map towards him using his wand, the other monkeys spotted him and started to attack. Thomas let out a cry for help and started to run as fast as he could. He was so frantic that he did not notice the giant beast atop of him.
“Let me go you overgrown iguana!” insulted Triton as he punched the beast at its talons. The wyren’s skinned seemed too thick and even after numerous punches, the wyren hardly seem to notice it.
“Playing tough eh?” said Triton as he tried to reached for his dagger in his pocket. “Darn this confounded beast.”
As the wyren performed a horizontal spin towards the right to avoid some once high growing trees, the dagger flew out of Triton’s pocket and he almost lost it to the depths below.
Grabbing it tightly with both hands, he forced the dagger into the flesh of the beast.
“Take that! Ugly Mongrel!” screamed Triton as he pushed the dagger in deeper. Fresh red blood spurted from the wound sending the massive beast falling in pain.
The beast collapsed onto the ground just in front of Thomas, who fell in shock. After releasing Triton, the great beast took off and fled into the wilderness, screaming at the deep wound in it’s talons that would probably take months to heal. Triton slowly got up and stared at Thomas’s hand with the map and gave him a thumbs-up before falling back to the ground.
“Triton, are you alright?” asked Thomas worriedly.
“Just tell me we’ve reached where that pipsqueak wants to go…” replied Triton in exhaustion.
Just then Michael ran in from the bushes and asked, “Triton is he ok?”
“He’s fine, and according to the map, our destination is not too far away. It should be just behind us…” answered Thomas, trying to make sense of the map.
“You boys looking for me?” a high-pitched cackle filled the silence of the swamps. The trio turned and somehow, behind the bushes of the purple monkeys hid a small hill, about several meters high. There atop of it, was a hut and in it was something Michael couldn’t make out but was sure it was a person with a tattered robe.
Then, the person stood into the light. There stood an old woman, whose wrinkles covered her entire face. She had a crooked nose with warts all over her skin and hands which were so skinny, they were like bone. A purple monkey came to rest upon her right shoulder. She examined the trio and paid close attention to Thomas. Then she opened her mouth and spoke, “I believe so…”
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Chapter 6
A distant voice spoke, “I most definitely heard something this time. I think it came from over there.”
“These kids just don’t know how to be disciplined. Taking them to the military camps would be a wise thing to do.” came another more harsh voice.
“Guards, be silent…” whispered Michael.
“Said the man who raised his child in the library.” mocked the first guard.
“Humph! Your child did not do any better… Anyway, there’s nothing here, let’s go. I’ve wasted enough time in my life.” sneered the second guard. With that, the dimming footsteps of the guards sounded the corridors once more, along with some murmuring that the trio could not comprehend.
“I told you this was a bad idea. Why did you have to drag me into this?” hissed Thomas as he gave Michael a nudge.
Michael just placed a finger on his lips, giving Thomas a serious look. Thomas had no other choice but to keep his frustration to himself. Michael slowly rose and scanned the hallway. Then, when he was satisfied he signaled the rest to follow. They wandered through more corridors and the journey seemed forever.
“Do you even know where we’re going?” questioned Triton with frustration.
“Yes I do and if you could do me a favor, please be quiet!” There was a tone of annoyance in Michael’s voice. Thomas knew it was not Triton, but the fact that he really was lost. Triton just rolled his eyes and followed closely behind.
Finally, in the shadows, they saw the gate at which they each had once entered, and now seeking to exit it. Although in the night, the gate still shone in the moonlight, with golden harpoon-like bars that protruded out of the ground and the walls. On both sides, there were two guards standing, each with a spear in their hands. They had a red crest on their shoulders which signified that they were indeed elite guards and are not to be trifled with. A sense of accomplishment and worriment stirred inside of Michael. He turned to Thomas who shrugged.
“We need to think of something to get past those guards.” muttered Michael to Thomas.
“Who goes there?” shouted one of the guards who was now looking in their direction.
Immediately, Michael dragged Triton and Michael behind a wall. Thoughts emblazed his mind, “By Ior, these guards are like supercharged! How could they have heard me from this distance?”
“I am giving you 3 seconds to reveal yourselves or I would put you under arrest!” hollered the guard whose voice challenged Triton’s.
“My God, they must have seen us! What to do…what to do?” the thoughts in Michael’s mind ran about in a frenzy.
“Hey, you do know how to get us out of this, do you?” whispered Triton, who looked at Michael hopefully.
“ONE!” shouted the guard.
“My powers and skills aren’t strong enough to subdue an elite guard let alone two!” muttered Michael fearfully.
“Neither am I” admitted Triton who has already unsheathed his weapon. Michael’s expression became frantic and then the grabbed Thomas by the shoulders.
“TWO!” another shout was heard.
Michael’s expression became frantic and then the grabbed Thomas by the shoulders.
“You…You are an alchemist right?” mumbled Michael and Thomas nodded his head immediately, “Then could you please help us find something… anything that could subdue them?”
“I …I don’t know” babbled Thomas.
“LAST CHANCE!” hollered the guard.
“Just try…please.” said Michael as he let go of Thomas, who began searching through his pouch which hung from his waist.
Michael exited the confines of the wall and revealed himself, mind still a blur.
“Hey, hey… let’s not get violent here. Me and my friends just want to go out o the Arena for a short while.” said Michael as he tried to calm himself, “Would you, handsome young gentlemen, let us through?”
“On what reason?” spoke the guard in a softer but still serious tone.
“Emm… Well, Frederick asked me to go out to fetch some crystal wine from the nearby Tavern outside.” Explained Michael while keeping his composure, “You know how he likes his wine…must be fresh from the Tavern.”
“Then he should have given you a letter stating permission that we allow you to leave this facility, where is it?” demanded the guard, hand raised out.
Michael paused for a moment as he glanced back and forth, left and right. Then, almost instantly he unsheathed his sword and charged towards the guards.
“A runner! Raise the alarm!” screamed the guard to his partner. The partner nodded and ran for the lever which would sound the alarm.
Michael rushed towards the lever as well, but the other guard struck him from behind, leaving him on the floor in seconds. He quickly got up, avoiding a deadly blow which would have left him unconscious. He exchanged blows with the guard, struggling to keep up with his speed.
The sound of metal clashing reached Tritons ears, who mumbled under his breath, “That idiot…” He rose and left Thomas to search for something that would successfully subdue the guards.
Michael saw Triton approaching and shouted, “Don’t worry about me, get the guard who is activating the alarm.”
“Where?” replied Triton, who found himself parrying with the same guard as Triton.
At that moment, a loud screeching siren filled the hallways.
“Great, now look what you’ve done!” shouted Michael who just dodged a strike from the guard’s spear which could have impaled him.
“Me? It was you who pissed of the guards!” yelled Triton, as he backed away from three blows from the guard.
“Found it!” cried Thomas behind the wall.
“About time!” barked Triton who was fighting the other guard who had returned to help his partner.
Thomas ignored Triton words and took out a seemingly small and empty bottle and threw it at the first guard which exploded a cloud of white gas. The guard screamed as he held his hands onto his eyes and collapsed to the floor. Thomas then threw another smaller vial which contained a dark blue liquid towards the second guard. It exploded like the bottle but it poured out the liquid onto the guard, nearly hitting Triton. The Guard started burning at the touch of the liquid and fell to ground shrieking.
Triton backed away and shouted at Thomas, “A little closer and I may be a fried chicken!”
“What did you do to them?” Michael asked, sheathing his sword.
Thomas was about to reply when they heard loud footsteps coming their way from the left hallway which illuminated brighter and brighter, most probably from a torch.
“No time, let’s go.” said Thomas as he rushed out of the gate with Triton. Michael took one last look at the Arena and followed Thomas into the wilderness.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chapter 5
“Are you sure you did not misplace it?” asked Thomas, foraging the room for any possible clue to Michael’s loss. Michael just shook his head wildly as he continued to find his gauntlet.
“You must remember the last time you saw it, don’t you?” asked Thomas as he crouched down to peer under the bed.
“Well, I can only remember having it in my fight with Satan… You don’t think he took it?” replied Michael as he tore of the bed sheets and emptied the drawers. Triton suddenly rose and headed for the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Thomas shouted, “You’re supposed to help Michael find his gauntlet.”
Still heading towards the door, Triton retorted, “I am helping. I am going to ask that boy Satan whether he took your gauntlet.” He seized his hammer which was lying on the side of the door and headed off.
A feeling of pity built up inside Michael and he thought that it was best that he followed him, leaving a flabbergasted Thomas behind.
“I know what you’re thinking. Don’t do it.” said Michael in authority.
Triton turned around, his emerald eyes glared in to Michael’s. “Look, do you want your precious little gauntlet or not?” threatened Triton slowly.
Michael felt anger rising into him but shook it off. He just nodded his head and Triton gave him a smirk. “I thought so” mocked Triton.
They reached the room in which Satan was kept. Triton slammed the door open and marched in. There lying like a corpse on the bed was Satan. Michael inspected his injuries and found that Satan’s condition was much worse than his. He even had some parts still stained fresh red with blood from their encounter with the unknown being which seemed to emerge from within Satan.
Triton showed no pity and snatched Satan’s collar, hollering, “YOU! IF YOU TOOK MICHAEL’S GAUNLET, YOU BETTER GIVE IT BACK OR I SWEAR THAT I WILL BREAK EVERY, SINGLE, BLOODY BONE IN YOUR BODY” With that, Triton threw Satan back down, who just moaned in reply.
Triton pointed a long and meaty finger towards Satan and screamed, “DON’T FAKE IN FRONT OF ME! I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE IT! GIVE IT –”
“STOP IT! Can’t you see he is an injured man? If you want to question him, do it when he is better!” interrupted Michael with his voice rising after each word.
“I don’t trust this worthless piece of trash. He might very well be the assassin who attacked me! He might be the host of a demon who would one day destroy everything! You think this “thing” deserves pity?” argued Triton with a voice which could challenge he sound of thunder.
“How do you know that he has this “so-called” demon inside him? LOOK! His gauntlet was lost as well. If he took my gauntlet, then why would he lose his as well?” Michael’s anger was building up so rapidly that he found himself hand ready at his sword.
“I still don’t trust him. They are all the same. Demons, they raid towns, villages, cities just for their amusement. And when they are finished, they leave the dying to rot.” Triton’s tone suddenly becomes extremely solemn, “You do not know what I have been through Michael, the pain, the misery, the suffering. They attack your homes not only at night, but some in broad daylight. I have seen it, felt it, and even embraced it. You know little of these demons.”
Triton then took one last look at Satan and then left the room. Michael’s anger for Triton was suddenly flushed away. He gazed at Satan, and realized that Satan was feeling a same pain as Triton did before. He needed to help him, but how?
As he re-entered his room, he saw Thomas still helping to search for his gauntlet.
“Some discussion, what happened?” asked Thomas as he lifted up some chairs and tables.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” replied Michael as he lay on his bed, “You better get some rest.”
Thomas nodded and left the room quietly, leaving Michael, who was immersed in his thoughts.
Suddenly, an idea to save Satan hit him like a ton of bricks. He immediately rose and rummaged through the desk beside his bed. He held up a piece of paper and on it, was the sign that he had drawn earlier. He smiled to himself, extremely satisfied with the idea that he had thought of and treaded out of his room.
It was the last match of the day and Triton was watching at the sidelines. The sound of swords and shields colliding into each other seemed to amuse him. He chuckled as the one of the competitors stumbled and fell nearly costing him the match.
Thomas ran into the hallway looking completely exhausted and said to Triton, “I finally… found you… (pant) Do you know where Michael (pant) is?”
“How would I know? He is probably with his new best friend. The injured man in the room upstairs.” scorned Triton who was still facing the arena as the last competitor fell.
“He has been missing since this morning. Come’ on, you experienced the same thing as he did. Furthermore, you are his friend.” Thomas tried to persuade Triton as best as he could.
Triton turned to Thomas and said, “Firstly, I am NOT is friend. Secondly, if he is missing, why should I care? He has that “coach” Samuel to take care of him. And thirdly, I don’t think he like me very much either.
“Well, Samuel has been missing too after he went of with Frederick. And you are the only one who can help us. What’s more, Michael broke you from your trance. So technically, you do owe him something.” argued Thomas and he glared at Triton.
“You know, you and Michael are so alike. Fine, I’ll go on your little “scavenger hunt”.” smirked Triton as he walked ahead of Thomas. Thomas just smiled and followed behind. Triton went up a few flights of stairs, through a corridor and passes a room where the sick are treated. Thomas then knew exactly where they were going and immediately spoke.
“Look, if you are thinking of going to his room, I have already checked it.”
“Do you trust me or not?” replied Triton as he made his way down another hallway and into Michael’s room
“It is not that, I just checked there before and I am telling you he is not-” Thomas paused as the gazed at Michael who was busily packing supplies into three rucksacks.
“Told you so” laughed Triton, but Thomas ignored that remark and asked, “Michael, what do you think you are doing?”
Michael wrapped up the rucksacks and tossed two of them to Triton and Thomas. He carried the last rucksack and explained to Thomas’s confusion, “Well, I decided to find out what that mark I saw meant and how to remove it. So, I would need your help to do this task with me.”
Thomas and Triton looked at each other in bewilderment as Michael gave them a small grin.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Chapter 4
“You were out cold for a few days, what were you doing in the hallway of Zoromak?” asked Samuel as gently as he could. Michael tired to get up and was helped by Samuel. Here, he saw Frederick, the announcer of the games who had his signature bright vermilion suit on, Thomas, his good messy-haired friend since he was young who now wore a cloak around his navy blue shirt. His belt had bottles and vials strapped on to it. And surprisingly, Triton, who was sitting in one corner of the room in a more causal piece of clothing with his large hammer strapped to his back.
“You ok chap?” said Fredrick with a sense of merriment.
“Just fine, thank you. Thomas! I did not know you were here. You were supposed to be in Crimsonhills practicing your alchemy.” Replied Michael as he massaged his bruised head to make him feel more comfortable.
“Well, your old friend here decided to come and cheer you on. I spotted him just after your match with Triton.” said Samuel while giving a harsh glance towards Thomas, “You have good friends here Michael.” Thomas just simply smiled towards Michael.
Michael looked at his limbs and chest. They all had burn marks scarred onto them. He tried to massage one, but was felt painful stings as he did. He quickly returned his hand and sighed with worry.
“Our healers couldn’t remove them, sad to say.” Apologized Frederick, “I’ve never seen burn marks like these since I saw a Daemon. Hah! Fought one myself I did.”
Michael’s gaze turned to Triton and immediately Samuel spoke, “We found out that he experienced similar burns. We also realized that he could not remember anything from that match or anything after he stepped into the arena. It was as though he was possessed by someone…”
“Or something…” Triton interrupted, now standing in front of Michael, “this only happened after I fought with this dark… assassin if my judgment was correct, before I set off for the arena. He was a tough opponent, swift and deadly. But one folly from him made him open. I struck, but to my amazement, flames that burned like the pit of hell scorched through my veins. Although I did not fall unconscious like you did, I would sometimes have this gap in my mind. I gap that I could not recall what fit in it and strange things always happened after that.”
Michael stared down thinking, “Could he be possessed at this very instant? He could not tell. But one thing was certain was that he would find out who or what Satan was talking to and-”
“Satan!” , that name flooded his mind with anger and hate, yet was also filled it with pity and compassion. Satan had been used by this “thing” and had suffered from it. “Frederick, did you find another person where you found me?” asked Michael with sudden anxiety.
“Aye, he’s just a few rooms away, still unconscious, poor kid.” replied Frederick with a little sympathy in his tone, “wished I could have done more.”
“I heard him talking with someone in the hallway. It sounded mellow and deep.” muttered Michael to the rest, “its voice sounded like a demon of some sort.” Everyone stared at him in either amazement on in utter shock.
“Did you see how he did it?” said Samuel, breaking the silence.
“No, unfortunately, I was discovered before I got close enough.” sighed Michael.
“Are you sure lad, he did not have any form of sign or mark on him that might suggest a little of his unknown companion?” said Frederick with great anxiety.
“No sir, I can’t remember much in that battle. It is as though his companion removed it from my head.” said Michael as he thought hard.
“Well, enough talking, the next match is about to start and I need to be present for the duel to commence.” said Frederick, trying to retain his posture while looking at his well-crafted, golden watch, “You should be getting some rest… Come ‘on Samuel, you should see the next battle, pretty exciting. The wizard of Kingoran against the warlock from the marshes of Zerihm. What do you say old chap, for old time’s sake, eh?”
Samuel briefly nodded and left the room, taking one last look at Michael, forcing a smile. Michael knew that they were not going off together just for the “exciting” match. But his thoughts did not pursue it for the time being.
All of a sudden, Michael’s head felt as though it was a balloon, pressurized, stretched to a point of incredible tension. He wailed in the pain that impaled his mind. Flashes of the “forgotten” duel with Satan gushed back into him. Triton and Thomas tried their very best to support him and preventing him from hurting himself. In the chaos, Thomas got struck squarely in the belly as he tried to keep Michael in his bed.
The pain mysteriously ceased as soon as it began, but for Michael, it was as though it had been years. He stared blankly into space, and then suddenly sprang up, accidentally striking the recovering Thomas. With an apology, Michael seized a pencil and began to draw. Triton helped Thomas up and they went over to see what Michael drew. It was a sign. No, it was more of a mark. It resembled the letter “S” with two curved lines on each side. Sort of like an emblazoned “S”.
“I remembered this… on his hand; it kind of had a mind of its own. I remembered that he screamed, of such pain, such misery, such agony…” mumbled Michael as he turned to the pair, “Do any of you want this symbol represents?”
Only Thomas reacted. He was in total shock and was now rummaging through the sack the brought along and took out an old but sturdy book. He flipped it open and fretfully flipped through the pages until certain page. He passed it to Michael and Triton looked from behind. On it was the exact same symbol, just that in that book, it was blood red. The two gazed on it and turned to Thomas for an explanation.
“That… That mark has not been seen in thousands of years” stammered Thomas.
“We know that already, it is in this book. We want to know what it means.” said Triton with amazing calmness.
“That mark… as my master taught me was the mark used by, as our people call it, the Zel-narks, or more commonly known as the mark of destruction. It is used by the Daemon lords from the “outside”. The other worlds.” spluttered Thomas hesitantly.
“So, this… thing who Satan communicates to is a daemon lord?” questioned Triton.
“It could be. But my knowledge of this symbol or runes is quite shallow. If you really want to know more about that mark, I know someone whom can help you. He lives not very far from the arena. But the journey will be treacherous.” Replied Thomas as he tried to calm himself.
“Well, if anything that hurts you comes along, I’ll just crush it like a bug.” chuckled Triton as he turned towards Michael, “You also have him to help you, right Michael?”
Michael nodded and replied, “Of course we would like to meet him. Just lead the way and if anything hostile comes, rest assured that I will silence it. For I am a-”
Michael’s eyes began to be engulfed in fear and horror. He rummaged through his arms, hoping that whatever he was thinking was proved wrong.
“What's wrong?” asked Triton.
“This” replied Michael with much despair as the held out his left arm. There, just lay a naked arm where the angel gauntlet had once been.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Chapter 3
“Hmm… let’s see… that one or that one.” mumbled Michael to himself as he glanced around the dimly lit hallway, “I knew I should have taken the left turn. Darn…”
He took a few steps toward the nearest bend, looking back as he went. In his ear, he could hear faint noises that he could not make out. He tried to move further into the bend as silently as he could. As he did, the sounds became words. One voice who spoke them sounded all too familiar. The other was one which was totally unknown but somehow froze his blood as it spoke.
“This kid is strong. He uses his head…” mellowed the low and demonic voice that echoed through the rooms.
“It doesn’t matter; I will crush him like all the others. He just got lucky in his previous fight.” replied a harsh voice which spoke with hatred.
“Be cautious young one. He may be the one that could stop you. His way of fighting, his aura, his crest, looks much like-” the mellow voice paused, making the hallway completely silent.
“I better start running” thought Michael as he turned. What greeted him were eyes full of anger, which glared fiercely at him.
“What are you doing here Blondie?” sneered the dark figure which now backed Michael to a corner.
“Eh… I was just finding my way back to my room. So if you don’t mind.” Replied Michael softly.
“Kill him” boomed the demonic voice which seem to come from nowhere.
Satan unsheathed his blade which portrayed those of a bat. The blade started to shine blood-red as he prepared to thrust the blade into Michael’s flesh. Michael reacted quickly by placing his crest into his gauntlet saying the exact same words as before “Divine gauntlet… Angel seal!” An intense light burst from his gauntlet, blasting Satan away in a massive force.
“You’re going to get it” snarled Satan as he got up. His once free hand now also with a crest, one with the outline of a devil’s head embedded on it. “Demonic gauntlet… Devil seal!” screamed Satan as he thrust it into his gauntlet on his right hand. A similar flash of light engulfed him but this time; it burned like the flames of hell. What came out was Satan with his demonic armor. Half-matured horns grew form his helmet, claws also protruded from his gauntlets and flames ran through his scaly plate.
“Ok…” commented Michael as he unsheathed his crimson sword. Satan advanced, advanced quickly. Michael had to move back to keep up with the blows from his demonic rival, whom again forcing him to a corner. Michael leapt to the wall and jumped from pillar to pillar, only to realize that his adversary crumbled the path behind him. Satan summoned up three surges of energy from his now blood-red sword and casted them towards he angel knight. Michael deflected the first one but had to perform an aerial barrel roll to dodge the other two. As he landed, the wall behind him shattered from the force of the surges.
Satan immediately responded by charging towards Michael, his blade glowing more and more intense. Michael quickly exposed his blade to the rays of sunlight which shone through the cracks in the ceiling made by the shattered wall. His blade also started to glow with increasing intensity as his advanced to face his opponent.
The blades met, sending a shockwave across the hallway. They exchanged blows, creating quite an amazing display of lights from their glowing blades. The shockwaves produced by the two blasted away furniture, lights and even the remaining walls. Michael tried to take flight to gain the upper hand but was only returned by a barrage of flames from the hands of Satan. Michael got up and did a series of similar motions from his previous fight, his blade glowing as bright as the sun. Satan also did a series of actions, with his blade glowing like a hundred rubies.
Both of them leaped screaming, “Celestius, Illuminate, Holy Might!” and “Celestius, Inferno, Burning Slash!”
The surges of energy exploded as they collided into one another, sending a massive force which devastated the hallway, leaving only the two exhausted combatants standing on each end.
“Enough of this…” rumbled the demonic voice again from nowhere.
Satan’s gauntlet suddenly rose up by its own. A mark which Michael had never seen before drew on it from Satan’s blood. Satan screamed, in total agony, pain and suffering. The mark instantly glowed rapidly and flames shot out of it. Michael tried to evade the approaching flames, but was cornered and engulfed in it.
It burned him. Burned like the flames of hell. He screamed as the flames scorched not only his skin, but his very mind and soul. As he fell into oblivion, a deep and demonic laugh surrounded his mind…
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Chapter 2
“Got everything? Good.” Samuel made some last minute checks to Michael’s equipment at the entrance to the battle ring, “Remember to concentrate out there. You’ve only got one chance.”
“From the warriors of Sarodmin, comes the holy knights of Crimsonsun, the gladiators of Malor and the Conjurors of the sacred land of Henim!” the bomming voice of the announcer rang throught the speakers. As Michael and Samuel walked out into the ring, the crowd cheered with much joy and gusto. In a corner, there even were a few spectators who carried banners with words such as “Go Michael!” and “Kick their butts Michael!”
“Looks like you have some fans.” commented Samuel. But Michael’s attention had already been on the young man whose eyes glared with hatred and his armor that reminded him of the abyss.
“Still making new friends I see” said Samuel over his shoulder, “I heard his trainer is quite experienced in this sort of thing. I think his name was Bob. Not a bad name don’t you think?”
“Not as experienced as you I think.” Michael replied with a smile.
“Don’t flatter me. Now if you have been paying attention, you will be in the first round. Good Luck.” With that, Samuel left with the others leaving only Michael and somewhat half giant in the ring.
“Round 1: Michael vs. Triton” flashed on the screen at the sides of the arena. Immediately, Michael’s competitor took out a device from his belt and started pushing some buttons on it. Michael recognized it and reacted by taking out a seal of his own. One of solid gold with sliver wings embedded in the middle.
“Cybertron… Hammer!” hollered triton as he thrust the device back into his belt. Azure blue beams engulfed his body in a flash and then revealed a metal giant which looked as though he was from the future. The alloy that made his armor looked out of this world and the design looked science-fiction to most.
Michael immediately summoned a gauntlet of white and shouted, “Divine Gauntlet…Angel seal!” and placed the seal onto his gauntlet. A bright flash surrounded him and then revealed an angel whose armor shone like the sun as if it was blessed from god. His sliver wings spread out in glory letting out an array of lights.
“Let’s see how fast I can crush the little birdie.” Mocked Triton as the unsheathed a hammer almost twice Michael’s size and charged. Michael also unsheathed his weapon, a sword which seems to radiate on its own, and followed suit. As they were about to collide, Michael jumped and with the support of his wings dealt the first blow upon Triton.
But to Michael’s amazement, Triton just turned in the direction of his blow and before he knew it, the huge chunk of metal pounded on Michael’s chest. He flew as though being shot from a cannon and landed in a loud “thud”.
“Come on Michael, you can do it. Remember what I thought you! Use everything possible!” came a familiar voice in the crowd. Michael turned back and saw his trainer waving to him in the crowd. Suddenly, he saw Samuel shouting and pointing to his back. He turned around and the same hammerhead greeted him. He again flew to the other end of the arena. There was a huge “Ooooo…” as Michael landed. He got up wobbling and thrust his sword up, facing the sky and the sword seem to be absorbing the sunlight. Its glow got more and more intense.
“What’s the matter, is little birdie injured? Let me ease the pain for you!” Triton then charged straight towards Michael screaming a battle cry and swinging his hammer which somehow contradicted his futuristic appearance.
Michael focused onto Triton and when he got close enough, he struck his sword onto the ground, shouting “flash!”
An intense flash of light blinded Triton and Michael immediately used this opportunity to do some damage. He took flight and with incredible agility, struck Triton in a barrage of cuts and slashes, leaving a stunned half giant with his armor crippled to a sorry state. Michael gave no room for complacency and began charging towards Triton again as his sword continued to absorb the sun rays. As Michael’s previous attack died down, Triton gripped his hammer tightly, quickly scanning the area and readied himself for a counter-attack. But it was too late, when Triton spotted Michael, he was already halfway in the air, weapon glowing like it was the sun itself.
“Celestius, Illuminate, Holy Might!” Screamed Michael as his blade literally cut his opponent in half sending a surge of energy right through him. Knowing that the battle was over, he sheathed his sword and raised his head in valor and triumph, leaving a battered Triton on the ground. The crowd screams of excitement drowned the announcer’s declaration of the winner. Even Samuel was looking pretty excited himself, waving and cheering with the crowd.
As the clerics came to bring Triton to the medical ward to be healed, a dark figure in the entrance to the ring caught Michael’s attention. The dark figure gave a snort of arrogance and walked off.
“I’ll look forward to dueling you, my dark rival…”
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Chapter 1
The event was in the 1940s (warrior time). It was the grand opening of the first “Trinity Duel”. It was an event whereby the strongest of warriors from each main God of worship battle it out for the glories of their clans and of course their Gods.
“Do you really think I can do it?” asked a tall and quite dashing young man, with golden hair that flowed in the breeze. His armor shone like the sun and had a physique like no other.
“You will do fine Michael, just keep your head up.” replied a slightly taller man with wings that somehow suggest some great and glorious past.
“I know. It’s just that it is my first time really fighting someone. Not like you, Samuel, who could silence a dragon with just a few strokes.” Michael retorted nervously, “Seriously, why didn’t you join?”
Samuel just gave a sharp look towards him and started to walk down the large Hallway, with paintings and chandeliers that filled the walls. Michael shook his head and slowly followed him from behind. As they walked down to the other side, Michael’s eyes wandered around the corridor and admired the magnificent architecture of the Hallway. He then stopped at the middle of the Hallway, and gazed upon the great sculpture that shone above him. It portrayed three divine beings. One wielded a sword that had a falcon coat of arms embedded on it and wings that stretched to the ends of the hallway. Another beside it was wearing a vermillion colored armor which was adapted from a dragon. It carried a lance in a way as though it was pointing at something. The last one was a demonic figure which eyes emblazed with fire and a claw which glowed blood-red. The beings seem to guard a small circle in the middle consisting of three triangles overlapping each other to form a nine-sided pattern.
“Those were the Gods, the purpose of this event. But don’t you know that already? Come on, we’re going to be late.” Sighed Samuel as he patted Michael’s back.
“I wonder how it is like to be a God?” mumbled Michael under his breath. He slowly turned and was suddenly knocked down by a dark figure.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going Goldie! I’m going to be late!” shouted the man, whom wore a red tinted black plate. His eyes were filled with hatred and anger as he glared menacingly into Michael’s eyes.
“Hey, you ran into me. You should be the one apologizing to me.” Argued Michael.
“Why you little…” sneered the figure.
“Hey…hey, what is going on here?” hollered Samuel from the end of the Hallway “Is there a problem?”
“I’ll be seeing you in the Arena, watch it.” Threatened the dark figure as he turned and started heading towards the other end of the Hallway.
“Hey! All dark and scary, I haven’t got your name! I'm Michael” shouted Michael to the figure.
The figure paused and said, “Well Michael, if you are going to beg for mercy later, then it is Satan. Remember it well.”
Samuel stood beside Michael and commented, “Well, looks like you got yourself a rival.”
Michael turned towards Samuel and smiled. Then he turned back to the dark figure running down the Hallway and murmured under his voice, “Satan… I’ll be ready…”
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sarodmin, Guthix, Zoromak
Greetings to you, I am the chosen one who links the world of combineset together. You can call me “The Binder”. Through the years, I have seen many events and many historical happenings. Let me share with you one story. The story of a world, no, a universe that is called warrior. Let start from the very beginning, where the world of warrior was born……
It was a magical day for all of combine set. The “108 Divines of the universe” has decided to create a world made for greatness. They intend to call it warrior. But of course, you knew that already. Three divine gods were chosen to create, watch over and finally end the world that was entrusted to them. They set off for the dark abyss in an very isolated region and went on with their work.
“So, what do you want this world to have?” a tall and Valliant angel with wings that spread to the far reaches of the abyss. His name is Sarodmin the god of creation. He creates most of the things in combineset. He was one of the disciples of the god who created combineset, whose name comes most commonly as Vertigo. He was entrusted with the power to create after he proven himself in resurrecting a fallen city from ruin.
“I don’t know; let’s look at what the people of combineset want. Some might want to move here.” suggested a shorter but rather masculine man. His name was Guthix, the God of protection and hope. He wears a vermillion plate armor at all times to ensure that he was ready for any job the councils give him.
“Why look at that piece of paper? We were chosen we should decide.” argued a dark figure whose eyes shone red with blood. His clothing perceived those of a devil and had a claw gauntlet on his right hand. He is Zoromak, the God of destruction. Wherever he goes, he leaves a trail of destruction in his path. Many fear him and have given him many names. One gave him the name of Zel-nark (don’t know what that means). Others just simply called him “THE END OF THE WORLD”.
“We must respect the people’s decisions. Now, let’s see what is what is on this list.” said Sarodmin harshly.
Time passed as the gods prepared for the start of the new world. They imbued life, death, the elements, love, and hate, everything to create a universe in to a small glowing rainbow stone.
“It is time.” mentioned sarodmin in a solemn tone.
“Finally, I was getting tired of this universe creating thing.” said Zoromak in relief. Guthix just simply shook his head.
The three gods positioned themselves around the rainbow stone and at that instant their armor gleamed in the dark. Sarodmin glanced at Zoromak and then at Guthix. He then nodded his head at faced the glowing rainbow stone which was now changing colours. The gods seem to focus at the stone as they reached out their hands to it. Then with a quick movement, the three gods returned their hands which were glowing white, black and red. They directed the energy to the stone in three divine beams of energy. The Stone started rotating and glowing brighter and brighter. The light soon became so intense the gods had some trouble focusing the beams on to the stone. Then, the gods held back their right hand. In their palm, a different coat of arms was carved on each of their hands. They pushed their palms forward, imbuing the stone with the three symbols.
“NOW!” boomed Sarodmin to the two other gods, whose expression was solemn and full of concentration. They nodded in reply and released their hands along with Sarodmin. They immediately burst outwards in a speed so incredible they cannot be seen by mortal eyes. They continued to travel for several minutes, with the light behind them that grew more intense every second.
Suddenly, there was a shockwave that originated from the stone. The gods sensed it and flew faster into the dark abyss and as quickly as it happened, the shockwave receded back to the stone, which grew extremely dim.
“Here it comes…” murmured Guthix under his breath as he turned to look back at the light.
“No not yet, I’m not far enough!!!” screamed Zoromak as he continued moving, accelerating every second.
Then, the Stone exploded in a magnificent array of lights, sweeping anything in its path. The gods were no exception. They were blown by the enormous force created by the explosion, especially Zoromak who was cursing and swearing as loud as he can.
Yes!!! It is done!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Website Maintenance Log
--Done on 17/8/2008--
Blog Re-vamped:
- Sidebar width increased
- Music Playlist included
- Moved position of sidebar elements to fit new sidebar
- increased height of post content area
- increased height of sidebar element
- updated Alert pop-up box for english errors.
Before the alert box appears, a text will appear, previously was for developers one, it has been changed to suit visitors of this blog =D
----Done on 17/06/2008---
Johnston, i have make a large makeover on this blog:
- Fixed invalid picture of member of Playstation Circle after the Organization closed.
- Fixed several positioning of iframes
- Changed the pic to World of Chaos
- Changed the widths of iframes for better navigation.
- Updated Links
- IE 7.0 screenshoot on 17/6/2008
I see that the blog is veri well managed, keep it up Johnston!
----Done on 29/11/2006---
Johnston, I hav made some changes to the Website it self..It is regarding the link colours itself.Now when u move ur cursor(your little morse arrow, a bit cute), u will find that the colour change to another colour instead of white but i must say this website given by blogskin was good!(haha)But thx to u it's gd(HAHA AGAIN)
This is for ur referance in case u get a shock what had happened to ur website.
1.Title Post now appear in this website with a additional blog tag.
2.Comments tags are included now can post comments on website.
3.Backlines tags are added but there is some slight problems with one tag which I'm trying to work it out.
4.Scroll Bars are finally visible.Yeeha!
5.The little blank space just above the Links column is finally fixed.
IE6.0 Screenshot taken on 29/11/2006:
Mozilla Firefox Screenshot taken on 30/11/2006:
Opera Screenshot taken on 30/11/2006:6.Backlinks are fixed(What's this?)
7.Title are changed.
---2nd Edition Done by:Firehero Date:30/11/2006---